Network Navigator

This is an interactive zoomable map for networks clustered with Infomap. Think of it like Google Maps for hierarchical networks. Everything runs locally on your computer; no data is uploaded to any server.


Modules are drawn as circles with area proportional to the contained flow. The module border thickness is proportional to exiting flow. Links between nodes are aggregated on module level and their thickness are proportional to the flow between modules.

ABFlow inside BFlow exiting AFlow from A to BFlow from B to A

Extensive testing has only been done with recent versions of Chrome, Safari and Firefox. This application is graphics heavy. Older computers or laptops with integrated GPUs can struggle to keep a high frame rate.


At the moment, only the 20 highest ranked nodes are visible per module. There also is a limit on how large files you can use. Typically sizes in the tens of megabytes will work fine.


Zoom to reveal

Zoom by scrolling in and out, either with your scroll wheel or two-finger swiping up and down on your trackpad. Do not use the pinch-to-zoom gesture if you have a trackpad, this will zoom the entire page. Reveal sub-modules by zooming in far enough.

Click and drag to manipulate

Pan by clicking and drag anywhere where there is not a module or node. Manipulate the physics simulation by dragging modules and nodes around. This only works for one layer at a time, you can only move modules that have not revealed its sub-modules.

Information about modules

Select a node or module by clicking on it. Information about the currently selected node or module is shown in the sidebar menu under “Selected node".


If you have any questions, suggestions or issues regarding the software, please add them to GitHub issues.

How to cite

The Network Navigator is described in the thesis
Interactive visualization of community structure in complex networks (2018).

Please cite

    title = {Interactive visualization of community structure in complex networks},
    author = {Eriksson, Anton},
    publisher = {Ume\aa University},
    school = {Department of Physics, Ume{\aa} University},
    url = {\%3Anbn\%3Ase\%3Aumu\%3Adiva-148551},
    eprint = {1215352},
    eprinttype = {diva2},
    archivePrefix = {DIvA},
    year = {2018},
    note = {\href{\%3Anbn\%3Ase\%3Aumu\%3Adiva-148551}{diva2:1215352}}


    title = {{The MapEquation software package}},
    author = {Edler, Daniel and Holmgren, Anton and Rosvall, Martin},
    howpublished = {\url{}},
    year = 2023,

Supported formats

Currently, we support networks clustered by Infomap into the ftree format.

Infomap is available as a stand-alone C++ application and on the web as Infomap Online.